Jason Bent has a video tutorial on making a mortise and tenon with the Shaper Origin. I’m starting to think that (money aside) this isn’t a terrible option for the home woodshop. It does lots of joinery plus lots of CNC-type work in a systainer-sized machine that doesn’t require making lots of jigs and having the waste of temporary templates. 🪚
Here’s a maple plywood feature wall I made for my workshop. 🪚 This will be the future home of my tool chest, some shelves for things like saws and (on the nerdier side) a network cabinet. I shiplapped the panels together by cutting rabbets with my router. As a fun highlight, I painted the rabbets green. To get the reveal between the panels just right, I used 5 mm plastic shims. This was also an opportunity to update the plugs and switches from the grimy ’70s hardware we had before.
I’ve been working on my tool chest this week and installed these two tier tray runners in white oak.
In retrospect I should have paid more attention to knots when I was roughing out the feet for these saw horses 🙃 The Wood Owl bits didn’t care though, but paring the mortise with a chisel was a little tricky. 🪚

I nailed together the sides of my tool chest. Used 6d (2 inch) cut nails with 2 mm pilot holes. Lots of clamping helped keep things aligned and prevented the nails from splitting the boards. 🪚
A little father-daughter woodworking moment. 🐱🪚 Emma likes shavings… especially the long stringy ones from rounding off edges.